Friends Meeting House


The Modernist Friends Meeting House (Quakers) in Hitchin, was designed by Paul Mauger and built in 1958/9 on stilts and stands over the Quaker graveyard and holds the body of ‘Hitchin Worthy’ Frederick Seebohm 1833-1912. The Hertfordshire Hitchin Bank that Frederick Seebohm was part of, later became Barclays Bank.

A sad sight on Hollow Lane


A sad sight indeed, but a poignant one on Hollow Lane in Hitchin.  A Jamaican funeral with jazz musicians giving the sadly departed a good send off. (if good can ever be used to described the recently deceased)

Strange Building in Hitchin


This strange building is behind the restaurant Bella Vita on Sun Street. It’s either a terrible nightmare for an architect to ‘read’ or an absolute thrill to ‘decode’. I suspect (as do others) that it has been cobbled together from lots of other buildings (Cheap materials) I really enjoy looking at it, but make if it what you will. Derek Wheeler of ‘The Hitchin Historical Society’ has suggested that it was part of the Girls’ School that was run in Roslyn House during the 19th Century; and that later became a furniture shop until 1910 (approximately), accounting for the mélange of styles and building materials.


(Update)  Since I last took it’s photograph, the building has lost its little curvy stairs and there is a huge pile of bricks to the left of where the stairs used to be.  I wonder if they are going to re-do them or do a disabled access ramp? Who knows?

Celestial Messenger


To the south of the Chancel in St. Mary’s Church in Hitchin, is the Guild Chapel and its ceiling has beautifully carved  wooden medieval Angels: Some with gold leaf on their wings, others without. This might have been due to prohibitive cost, so the rest couldn’t be done or their gold leaf has fallen away. For whatever reason, they are still beautiful to look at. It is worth noting that each Angel has a different symbol associated with it. This one has a lute, others have a harp or viol, keys or shields or symbols of the guild who funded their making.

To the north of the Chancel is the Trinity Chapel, and it too has Angels on its ceiling. These seem to be of a different style and none have the gilded wings that the others have in the Guild Chapel. However, they are still beautiful and full of character, with individual hairstyles and worth taking note of. So the next time you are in St. Mary’s Church, Look up!

Cloister Garth


This doorway leads into Hitchin Priory’s Cloister Garth (14th Century) from its west wall and above this is the hall (Late 16th to early 17th Century) that is in the previous post.

Hitchin Priory Hall



This is the big hall that sits above the west part of the cloisters in The Priory in Hitchin – Confusingly ‘The Priory’ was really a Carmelite Friary founded in 1317 and was renamed to ‘The Priory’ when the house was added on to the Friary at a much later date. What we now know as ‘The Biggin’, used to be Hitchin’s Gilbertine ‘Priory of Newbiggin’ founded in 1361.

A Routemaster London ‘Double-Decker’ bus in Hitchin’s Market Place

Routemaster London Double-Decker Bus


A red ‘Routemaster’ London ‘Double-Decker’ bus passing through Hitchin’s Market Place. In the background is Starbucks coffee shop. But before it was that, it used to be the locally owned ‘The Tea and Coffee House’. We really do live in a pretty little market town.

Vaisakhi procession by the local Sikh Community

On Saturday 14th April (2012), there was a wonderful procession by the local and surrounding Sikh communities, celebrating Vaisakhi.  (The founding of the Sikh religion in 1699.)

February 2025