Market Place
A Gargoyle’s View
Imagine if you will, that you’re a Gargoyle. What would you see all day long? Who would you look down upon in your stiff stone life? Are you there to protect the church, to scare away non-believers or other demonic creatures? Whatever the fact is, this is one of the views of one of the Gargoyles on St Mary’s Church overlooking the Triangle Café, The War Memorial and other shops.
(NB. The word Gargoyle comes from Old French Garguoille and Late Latin Gurgulio, both meaning ‘Throat’ and indicates one of the uses of a Gargoyle; that of a water spout for rain water) Here from the top of St. Mary’s Church, you can see the roof tops of some of the buildings that encircle Market Place, one of them being the lovely Triangle Café.